Monday, April 13, 2015

Media & Society_25 - Singtel New App

Recently, Singtel have came up with a free messaging application called Wavee. It works like your regular messaging application like WhatsApp or Line. You are able to make high quality voice and video call, sent images, messages and even locations to the recipients. It really works the same like WhatsApp. You are able to set up your own profile and some other stuff that you could do in a messaging application. Basically, it's just Whatsapp but Singtel's own version.

I think nowadays there are too many of messaging application available for us to download. To me WhatsApp is already good enough to use. They should create other kinds of application which is something different and new and useful as well. 

Media & Society_24 - Night Vision Eyeballs

A team of Biohackers has successfully injected a substance that could transformed your eyes in having night vision sight. They used a special chemical substance that a deep sea fish use to treat night blindness. Within an hour of injecting the substance on his eyes, researchers are able to see what the person see at night and this might be revolution for modern warfare. You don't have additional head gear or goggles to see in the dark anymore.

It's very cool and futuristic but it looks kind of dangerous though. I would not want to try it as you could see that the Biohackers injected the eyes with the substance I would probably look horrible after that.

Media & Society_23 - Antidote for HIV??

Not really a cure but it will help the HIV patients to have better lives by reducing the amount of HIV cells in the body. It's a new form of therapy that will reduce the HIV cells in their blood. But it is still under go testing and to see if it's successful and ready to be launched to the hospitals. 

Hopefully, it will be a success and available to the patients out there. It's sad to see those HIV patients left to die without any cure. I am sure that one day, there will be a cure to this horrible virus and a way to stop it fully. Let's just hope that the undergoing testing will have a tremendous feedback and it will benefit those patients to live their life to the fullest and not dying with regret and sadness.

Media & Society_21 - Mood and Colour

I came across an article on how colours affects someone's mood. I think it's an interesting topic to read about as I always have inconsistent mood swings and changes. So, this article have helped me to understand more about the colours that are surrounding me and how it has affect my daily life. 

Example, red colour was made me feel bad and negative about something while blue colour made me feel so calm and relax. Just like how you see in your essay or work marked by your lecturers. You will be disappointed to see a lot of red markings everywhere, overpowering you written document which is in blue. We also take a lot of time in deciding on what colour our shirt or clothes is. Or even the room colour of our choice. So, colours do affect our lives.

Media & Society_22 - Famous Amos

The whole nation was saddened by the death of our nation's founding father, the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. But not all people was sad for his passing. Teen, Amos Yee, 16 years old, made a negative feedback about Lee Kuan Yew's death through a video on YouTube. I've watched the video and I was disgusted with his act. 

In my opinion, what he said might make sense and true but c'mon, he's only a teenager. But who is he to say that? He's only 16 years old! He still don't know nothing about whatever is happening! Just an immature kid who is trying to seek attention from the public.  

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Media & Society_20 - Acidic Ocean

A new discovery have been made. Researches have found out that not only the asteroids were the main culprit of the extinction of the prehistoric life but also the acidic ocean that caused mass extinction in the aquatic life. Rocks and sediments from the United Arab Emirate have shown signs of acidic water. Scientist believe that the release of carbon have contributed the acidity of the ocean's water. This discovery has also made the scientist worried about our current ocean's situation has there have been high amount carbon being emitted every single time.

Well, it's a good thing that we could study the past by studying the rock's samples and its sediments. A very interesting way for us to learn about the past.

Media & Society_19 - Deep Deep Down

Since I was a kid, I kept thinking and imagining how does life in the bottom of the sea like. I've always imagined that the bottom of the sea would be dominated by gigantic terrifying sea monsters. How I wish could travel deep down the ocean using a high tech submarine and explored the unknown parts of the Earth. But after I came across with this article, I think I would think twice on going deep down there.

Fellow scientist have discovered very monstrous looking sea creatures that roam the deep sea. Since there s lack of light and oxygen, the creatures tend to be disfigured and has a certain unique trait to adapt to it's environment. The combination of temperature and pressure have also contributed to its disfigured look. And yes, they do look something that is out of this world.