Sunday, March 2, 2014

Storytelling 4: Lost in Time (Based on an Item)

Time traveling is now possible in 2025. Me and my fellow scientist and engineers have created a watch that could turn back the time or fast forward to the future. You can call it a time traveling watch. I won a  noble prize for that achievement as it was best invention ever made in the history of the human world. Before we could actually release the product to the public, i actually tested it out on my own again, using myself as the subject.

I looked at my watch. It showed that I had been away from my home for only ten minutes. Yet the calender on the wall showed that it was one month later. Somehow, I had arrived in the future. I had been warned about this. Prof. Tan, my best friend and the assistant scientist for the project told me again and again that it was dangerous to fool around with the time traveling watch. But then, I wanted to see for myself what was possible and what not. It was not adequate for me to have book knowledge.

Looking for my wife, i wandered all over the house. She was nowhere to be found even my two kids. I looked at my watch. It was what linked me to my own time. All I have to do is to press button and I will be transported back to the real world. I decided to press the button. What I had been afraid of happened. Nothing. I did not move at all. Everything was still the same. I was lost in time.

I tried pressing the button repeatedly yet still, I stood there. Then I heard voices. It was my wife and kids. They were back home from somewhere. They walked in quietly ands stood looking out the window. Strangley, they looked sad  and fantastically enough, they did not see me. I screamed for them yet no reply from them. They can't even hear me. I began to realised that I am not there. At the living room, there was a photo of me on the wall. The strangest thing is that, there were flowers on it, signifying that I was dead. 

I knew that i wasn't dead. I'm standing right here. They could not see me at all. How did I die? That question kept coming back at me. I was totally freaked out. 

There my son asked my wife, "Will Daddy back home, mum...?" 

"No, son. I don't think so he will," she replied, "Uncle Tan told me that your dad is lost in time. He is here with us but in a different time dimension and we cannot see him at all. One day, he will returned. I am sure that he will find his way back...."

I sat down looking at the watch, not knowing what to do.....

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